There was just enough time for another Classic American Car Show before the end of the season. This one was at Stonham Barns located just off the A14 near Ipswich. The weather was not in our favour and it really felt like winter had arrived with cold wind and a light drizzle throughout the day. Fortunately the Carrot Town Garage tent created a safe haven from the elements.
Despite the weather six of our club members came along. Chris brought his 1966 Ford Mustang GT finished in Emberglo, while Mark brought his 1978 Corvette C3, Trevor his 1980 Corvette C3 and we brought our 1966 Ford Mustang which had just arrived.
Around 100 other cars attended the event and many owners made their way across to the Carrot Town Garage stand as they had seen us on social media, or heard about us through the Classic American car community. We were kept busy chatting to people about our workshop, car club and some of the things that are happening with Carrot Town Garage.

If you would like to come with us to a show, why not join the Carrot Town Garage Car Club you don't need to own a Classic American Car to join. Having a passion for Classic American Cars is all that is required.
It seems like the weather may have taken a turn towards the usual wet and windy style that we all love. With that in mind, for those of you that don't use your Classic Cars in this kind of weather, now is the perfect time to book in your Classic American Car for a winter service and get any of the jobs done that may have sprung up over the summer. If you'd like to call Carrot Town Garage to get your winter service booked in then you can call 01354 552427.